

Combos (infinite or game winning combos) are the biggest threats a deck can play. Stumbling upon an infinite combo in Low-power decks can feel bad for the whole table, especially if nobody is equipped to deal with them. As such, we typically reserve them for Mid to High-power levels.

Even then, in Mid-power decks, they are not very efficient and we are typically not actively searching for them. The combos you might see at that level are generally incidental and a result of some strategic synergy. If you somehow find it, awesome!

We start actively looking for combos at higher power levels, especially in a High-power deck, where you may include redundancies (often in the form of tutors) to efficiently find them.

Combos for the most part (even in High-power decks) are within the “theme” of your deck. We are still playing casually, and our philosophy has been to avoid things like Thoracle or other “optimized cEDH lines”, in favor of more thematic combos.

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